Featured Extras?

I get calls and emails ALL THE TIME, asking “please can I get a ‘featured’ role on the project you’re casting for.” I never know how to answer that because I am not in charge of where you get placed on set, or where the cameras get placed. Nor do I do the editing. So booking you as a background actor even a “Featured Extra” DOES NOT EVER GUARANTEE that you’ll be in the final product of the film, TV Show or Commercial we’re casting for. You do not need to keep asking if you’ll be featured. Below is an idea of what we go through to select the so called “featured extras” and how you can put your best foot forward to possibly be considered.

Sometimes when working on a particular Film or TV Show, we’re asked by directors to submit photos of “specialty” or “featured” background actors, that may be in front of camera or may be interacting with one of the lead actors. People that are shown to the director for consideration are called “picture picks”. When we’re asked to do this, we typically create a www.mycastingfile.com character breakdown or open call and also post something on Facebook giving specific dates of what’s needed. Sometimes we’ll even call and email you to ask for different photos etc… (We usually use these multiple platforms because film and tv is a hurry up medium, and people want to see their picture picks NOW!) But we also need to make sure that our background actors are actually available on the days that the scene is supposed to film before we can submit them. (There is nothing worse than showing a great photo of a great person to the director, having that director chose them and then having that person tell you they are not actually available for that date! Then you have to go back to the director and tell him/her “I’m sorry that person isn’t available…” and it makes you look bad, ticks the director off and generally wastes everyone’s time…)

Before picking our picture picks we meet with the director and he/she tells us what he’s looking for, and then we seek it out in our database. When we ask you for different photos, it’s because we know a different look may sell you better to the director. We’ve worked with some of you for 6 years or more and have seen you in a VARIETY of different roles. These directors may not have ever seen you before and are only going by the 1 or 2 photos you’ve sent us. If we’re looking to book a “Body Guard” spot we may ask you to send a photo of yourself looking more imposing. Maybe wearing a tank top instead of a business suit. Similarly if we’re looking for a nurse we may not need to show a photo of you in a cocktail dress. It doesn’t sell the image we’re looking for. So we may ask you to take a new photo of yourself in scrubs and send it to us.

After the pictures have been looked through and the director makes his choices, someone from my department will reach out to you to tell you you’re booked, congratulations! The bummer is that for every 1 or 2 people that book the role there are 20+ people that didn’t book and are disappointed.  I’m always sad that people are disappointed but keep plugging away at it and your day will come too! The best way to continue to be considered for “Featured” background roles is to A) have a good headshot that I can show to the director (if your headshot isn’t good I likely won’t show it.) B) Be willing to work as a background actor even though it’s not a “Featured” role. When I see people come to set and have a great attitude, and do it over and over again regardless if they’re seen or not, it makes a HUGE difference to me. It makes me want to cast them more often and continue to give them further opportunities.
So please realize that there are PLENTY of times on a set in which you can be a “Featured Extra” and never be seen at all on TV. There are other times when you are seen really well on a tv show or movie and you weren’t picture picked at all. You were cast by us the casting company who knew you’d have a great look for the scene and knew you were a reliable background actor! If you have any questions about this or anything else please feel free to email us at extras@legacycasting.com.

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